Rustic Farmhouse Coffee Table Featuring Sawdust 2 Stitches

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Rustic Farmhouse Coffee Table by Sawdust 2 Stitches

Our friend Corey over at Sawdut 2 Stitches always has fabulous ideas and plans, here is her latest. this DIY Rustic Farmhouse Coffee Table!

Stunnning, isn't it? I love the sleek design and overall aesthetics of this DIY project. It's not just a coffee table, it's a work of art. The best part is the ease of using regular lumber, just some 1x3's and 1x4's put together in a way that create a perfectly pleasing statement piece for the home. So if  you're dreaming of DIYing something awesome, stop by and take a look at Sawdust 2 Stitches for this sweet project and more!