Slatted Four Post Farmhouse Bed - KING

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Easy to build farmhouse bed featuring slatted design and four poster styling.  Solid wood.  Free plans by

Hi Guys!  Happy Monday!

We've been trucking along on our big house build project, thank you to everyone who has been following along on our YouTube video series.  If you haven't be sure to check it out now.

I've missed being able to put plans together regularly this summer, as our focus has been on the new house build (and a top secret project that I will be able to tell you about very soon!), so it is with great excitement that I can share a brand new plan with you today!

One of our reader friends, Jenn Hunt, and I collaborated to get you this bed plan!  I absolutely love how it turned out!

So very lovely and country and comfy all at the same time!

The style of this bed is similar to our Farmhouse Beds, but I think this design is easier to make.  

Jenn was nice enough to take a few photos along her build to share with you -

It's just all off the shelf lumber, standard sizes, and simple cross cuts.

The slats are just pocket holes to the headboard horizontal pieces.

Then just clamp the slat boards to the horizontal boards and attach with the pocket holes.  Then the horizontal boards are just pocket holed to the posts.

Here's the footboard done.  It is lovely!

Next comes stain -

How giant is this bed?!?!  

And finally the support for the mattress - we did extra support at the center, since this is a king.


A huge thank you to Jenn for teaming up with me on this project to get you these amazing free plans!

Enjoy, and please do share if you build.

XO Ana


Fits King Mattress 76" wide x 80" long


Shopping List
  • 3 – 2x6 @ 8 feet or stud length
  • 3 – 2x10 @ 8 feet
  • 2 – 1x12 @ 8 feet
  • 4 – 4x4 @ 6 feet
  • 2 – 2x3 @ 8 feet
  • 1-1/4” and 2-1/2” pocket hole screws
Cut List
  • 3 – 2x6 @ 74”
  • 1 – 2x10 @ 74”
  • 5 – 1x12 @ 23-3/4”
  • 5 – 1x12 @ 11-3/4”
  • 4 – 4x4 @ 72”
  • 2 – 2x10 @ 80”
  • 2 – 2x3 @ 80”
  • Additional 2x3 supports may be required and/or bed slats depending on box spring
Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Circular Saw
Power Sander
Drill Bit Set


Step 1

Predrill 1-1/2” pocket holes on each end of 2x6 and 2x10 boards for attaching in step 2.

Build headboard and footboard pieces by drilling 3/4” pocket holes on ends of 1x12s and attaching to the 2x6s and 2x10 with 1-1/4” pocket hole screws.  The 1x12s should be centered on the 2x boards.  TIP: Use 3/8” plywood as a spacer to help guide placement.

Step 2

Attach to the 4x4 posts through pocket holes drilled in step 1 with 2-1/2” pocket hole screws and wood glue. Center panels on 4x4s so there is a 1” space on either side.

Step 3

Drill three 1-1/2” pocket holes on each end of the 2x10 siderail boards.  Attach to the 4x4s, centered on the 4x4s (1” space on each side).

Step 4

Attach cleats to siderails with 2-3/4” screws and glue.

Step 5


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