Free plans to build a Tiny House dollhouse for Barbies or 12" dolls by ANA-WHITE.com

48” x 48” piece of ¼” thick plywood
3 feet of 1x1 material
1 - 1x12 @ 8 feet long
1 - 1x6 @ 6 feet long
1x2, 1x3, 1x4 and 2x4 scrap wood
- 1 - 1x12 @ 46” - bottom
- 2 - 1x12 @ 16” - short point measurement, one end cut at 15 degrees off square
- 2 - 1x6 @ 16 - short point measurement, one end cut at 15 degrees off square
- 1 - 1x6 @ 9-¼”
- 1 - 1x6 @ 11-¼” - see step 9 before cutting
- 1 - ¼” plywood @ 36” x 16-¾” - back
- 1 - ¼” plywood @ 38” x 13-½”
- 2 - 1x3 @ 11” - can also cut 2 - 1x12 @ 2-½”
- 4 - 4” diameter wheels - ½” plywood prefered can also use store bought wheels or wood rounds, size can be adjusted easily
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
The couch is designed 11-1/4" wide to match the width of a 1x12 board - 11-1/4" wide - so that the couch/bed can be turned both ways in the living room. However, Barbie is about 11-1/2" wide - you may wish to make the living room areas slightly larger (12") and the sofa/bed 12" but the compromise is the sofa/bed won't be able to be placed against the end wall.
If you do make your sofa/bed 12" in length, make sure you also make the living room 12" wide in step 3.
To build glue and nail the legs on the 2x4 bottom. Then glue and nail the 1x2 to the 1x4 top. Attach the two pieces together with a small hinge.
Convertible couch/bed cut list
- 1 - 1x2 @ 11-1/4" or 12"
- 1 - 1x4 @ 11-1/4" or 12"
- 1 - 2x4 @ 11-1/4" or 12"
- 4 - 1x1 @ 3/4"
Step 10
Jaime Costiglio has created plans for all the remaining convertible furniture here.
Becky mai
Sun, 07/12/2020 - 07:29
UK wood measurements
Hi from London, UK! I would love to make this for my girls for Christmas! (Personally, I want the full size version but I'll have to settle on a Barbie version!) 2 questions! I cannot find 1x12 or 1/4 inch plywood here. Could I use 3/4 inch ply for the base instead of 1x12? For the plywood, we have 3mm or 5.5mm. Should I layer up 2 3mm boards and glue or use the 5.5? I'm worried it would mess up the measurements! Thanks! Looking forward to making this!!