Kids Kitchen Climber

Submitted by melkenady on Thu, 11/11/2010 - 06:02

I've wanted one of these for a while but I'm NOT willing to spent the $200 to get one...  Any thoughts or suggestions?  My son's bewitching hour is when I need to be working on supper.  I think if he could see what I am doing and maybe have his own little project to work on, he's be happier...


Sat, 11/13/2010 - 13:46

Oooh!  I'd LOVE to make one of these, too.  It seems like such a simple but wonderful piece of furniture, but I'm in the same boat of not being willing/able to pay $200 for it.


Sat, 11/13/2010 - 15:47

I agree- or, for a simpler alternative, maybe something like the Guidecraft High Rise Step Up?     My son's been helping in the kitchen for years (he's 4 1/2) and he's still standing on a chair- which isn't ideal, doesn't give me a side handle or anything to hang on to on the sides, and is actually getting to be too high.  But a step stool isn't high enough... or give him anything to keep from falling off the sides!  I was wondering if the step stool Ana already posted plans for could be modified to make a tall step with sides... might be easier to build than the tower?

Tsu Dho Nimh

Sat, 11/13/2010 - 20:31 

With a taller back and sides? Just extend them up to just under counter height and forget the hinged lid?


My mom used to turn a chair around for us to stand on when we were really short.She figured we wouldn't be short for very long.


If you have a sit-at counter, maybe the child could use a high chair ( and sit while they watch or help you.