Cubby Organizer with Hooks

wall cubby organizer
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This cubby organizer with hooks is perfect for keeping all the things just where you need them.  Free plans by

wall cubby organizer

Does your entryway need a little organization and storage?  Here's a orgnaizer with lots of storage, but little accessories like sunglasses, hats, or mittens are easy to find.  

I built this little cubby organizer in our latest video

And am sharing the free plans with you below.  

If you build, make sure you post a photo - we love seeing your completed projects!

Enjoy, Ana


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Cubby Organizer with Hooks

wall cubby organizer
48" wide, 18-3/4" tall, 5-3/4" deep


Shopping List

3 - 1x6 @ 8 feet long

1 - 1/4" thick plywood @ 48" x 24"

Common Materials
3/4 inch finish nails
1 1/4 inch finish nails
Cut List

4 - 1x6 @ 46-1/2"

2 - 1x6 @ 18-3/4"

6 - 1x6 @ 5-1/2"

1 - 1/4" plywood @ 48" x 18-3/4"

Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Circular Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander


Step 1

Drill two pocket holes on 3/4" setting on each end of all the 46-1/2" long 1x6 boards.

Then either drill 3/4" pocket holes along one edge of one of the 46-1/2" long boards or you can use nails.  Attach two of the boards together as shown in the diagram.

Step 2

Attach to the sides with 1-1/4" pocket holes screws and glue, flush to the bottom edge of the sides and back.

Step 3

Attach remaining shelves.

Step 4

Position the dividers in place and attach with 1-1/4" brad nails and wood glue.

Step 5



Wed, 12/19/2018 - 10:12

Can I ask how you attached this to the wall?  Did you just screw through the plywood backboard into the studs?

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