miter saw

The Art of Sneaking Up on the Perfect Length

Have you ever needed to cut a board on your miter saw to say, exactly 12 inches?  After careful setup and cutting, just to be sure, you measure and you find your cut is really 12 inches + oh... a smidgeon.  Rats, now what? I guess if you have plenty of time to kill, you could sand it. Or perhaps you could decide you're gonna 'fix it'.  Brimming with confidence, you stride back to the miter saw to trim that smidgeon off. Only then do you discover you actually trimmed 2 1/2 smidgeon

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Double side Carpet Tape, it belongs in your toolbox.

One of my most important tools is two-sided carpet tape. There are two basic types, sort of sticky and REAL sticky.  I like the aggressive, sticky type.One common use is as a clamp, where a real clamp won't work.  Here is an example.  I have my miter saw set up on my bench top. I need to cut 6 boards to identical length.I am lazy and I don't want measure twice, cut once (that would be 12 measurements!), I would much prefer to measure once (or maybe zero times as we'll see) and cut

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