Benchright farmhouse bench

Submitted by Bergenj123 on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 17:05

Piece of cake compared to building the table. Added hardware and stain, just have to put on the finish.

Estimated Cost
80 dollars
Estimated Time Investment
Afternoon Project (3-6 Hours)
Finish Used
Red mahogany stain and satin polyurethane finish
Recommended Skill Level



Sun, 12/30/2012 - 06:51

That looks great! I want to make this bench very soon then also make the matching table... where did you get the hardware for it? Thanks!


Mon, 06/23/2014 - 00:10

I got most at a local lowes but had to order the reverse threaded rod for one of the stretchers at the bottom. Ordered from an online hardware company.