Round Clock X Base Table

Submitted by sdarnell1 on Tue, 09/01/2015 - 09:31

I built this table based off the plans from Rogue Engineer for an X based side table with concrete top, but I modified the angles to make the table 18" tall and 34" wide.  I also made the top from 2x8 boards instead of using concrete.  More details in the blog post.  A table base like this would cost $100 from Pier 1, but this plan helped me make my own base for about $8.  Awesome!

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Mon, 12/07/2015 - 21:03

i am trying to find plans for a base like this as a pedistal dining table base with a 54" glass top, but haven't been successful. Maybe I can modify the plans to make the base. What do you think? And great job!

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