This was my first build. I modified the dimensions to fit a full sized bed and used 1x4's as the slats. Overall I am very happy with the outcome and learned a lot from the build. Of note these plans do not accommodate a box spring. This bed fits perfectly in my very small guest room and is very sturdy (and heavy!). I did not glue the corners for easier disasembly when I move.
This project took me a long time as I am a new builder. I would expect a more experienced builder could make the bed in a day.
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
$80-$90 including supplies. Wood was around $50.
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Minwax Red Mahogany with Minwax Polyurethane
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project
Fri, 09/16/2016 - 14:01
hey there! I'm interested in
hey there! I'm interested in building this in a full size. I've never built anything before; would you be able to describe the modifications you used to make this fit a full?
Sat, 09/17/2016 - 12:53
Narrow Sewing Table
Can you please provide us with the plans for this table