This is my first build! It took a lot longer than I hoped, since I could only work during nap-times. I probably used way more screw than necessary, and I didn't have the straightest pieces of wood. I'm especially happy with the paint job. I used some leftover interior house paint and cut up an old dish sponge to sponge on the flowers and accents. But I got it done by Christmas and now I can't wait to use my brand new Kreg Jig on a new twin sized bed for Amelia, or maybe some raised garden beds!! :)
Amelia LOVES her new table. She loves to hide underneath it. She loves to dance on top of it. She loves to pile all of her blocks on top of it. And she practically demands that Mommy and Daddy go over to "Sheet Down" and "Culor" with her. (I apologize for all the camera phone pictures.)
*Edit: I added two more pictures to show more detail on my first ever paint a'la Scotch Brite attempt. :)

Fri, 01/06/2012 - 04:50
So pretty!
Great job! That paint job is amazing. Actually the photos are great, but wish you had a close up of the flowers.
Pam the Goatherd
Fri, 01/06/2012 - 07:18
Spiceylg, if you click on the
Spiceylg, if you click on the top picture it should open in a separate window in an enlarged form so you can see more detail on the flowers.
UtahBeth, I love the flower paint job, too! Very cute.
Fri, 01/06/2012 - 08:31
Bigger picture
Thanx Pam the Goatherd! I feel silly, I never even tried that before. So adorable UtahBeth! Love how the flowers are all over!
Pam the Goatherd
Sat, 01/07/2012 - 10:20
You're welcome. Don't feel
You're welcome. Don't feel silly. I didn't know it would work until I tried it myself!
Fri, 01/13/2012 - 10:56
Thank you!
Thank you! I'm still a little surprised at how well the painting came out. I added a couple more pictures for your perusal. Now I need to get started on Amelia Captain's Bed.! :)