I was watching the DIY network while my neighbor was over one day, and got a hair up my butt to take the builder grade mirror down from my hall bath. I had just gotten a $50 Lowe's gift card for my birthday, so I decided to do a mini bathroom makeover. I had NO plans and no clue what I wanted in there, but the mirror was down so I needed to get GOIN!
I saw the plan for the Barnwood Frame and altered it to use 1x3s as well as 1x2s, and (obviously) made it bigger. I also built a medicine cabinet from 1x6s.
The biggest issue with this whole thing was cutting the mirror to size. I had never done anything like this, so my medicine cabinet mirror is about 1/8" too small for the frame (hid that by using DUCT TAPE on the inside!).
I still plan on building a vanity and changing out the sink in there, but that has to wait until I have the motivation to redo the floors!
Yeah, me and motivation aren't very close...