I made this for a friend and absolutely love it! The drawers were my first and proved to be as difficult as I expected since I had not done any before, but I refused to accept defeat as I made and remade them until they were just right. When choosing 2x6s i suggest choosing those that are more squarish than those with the rounded edges. This will prevent having to use a ton of wood filler if you are wanting a flat table top. I cant remember, but they may be a tad more expensive...but not much. As always, I forgot to take pictures and had my friend send me this one. I wish I had more because this picture definitely does not do the table justice. It is heavy and very sturdy unlike those store bought fake wood jobs that are way overpriced. I would absolutely say this is no small feat for the beginner but certainly possible as I still consider myself a beginner contrary to what other who know me may say. So get your wood and your kreg jig and get to it! It feels wonderful to be able to sit back, admire, and say, "It's Ana White and I helped!!"