Cedar Barnwood Frame

After my husband caught a big bull Texas Redfish, we wanted to try out a Japanese printing method he'd seen on an episode of Mounted in Alaska. We painted the fish with tempura paint, then pressed on some rice paper and voila! A nifty, artistic fish print. The problem now would be finding a frame, so we built one following Ana's barnwood frame plans. We bought a cedar 1x4 and ripped it in half to create the 1x2's needed. More details on printing and framing are on my blog.

We changed up the method a little by routing the inner edge of each piece before putting the main square of the frame together, to give a ledge for plexiglass to sit in. Then we popped in the plexi, taped the print down, and stapled on some cardboard for backing. It's easy to hammer in some sawtooth hangers onto the back for wall mounting too.

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
An Hour or Two (0-2 Hours)
Finish Used
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project

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