I ended up making three sets of these pedestals this month!
One set was for my In-laws, one for a friend and finally one for us. The two sets I gave away have a 12.5" opening underneath to accomodate two laundry baskets stacked inside each other for a total of six which is pretty good for most households. Our pedestal could only have a 9" opening due to the overhead cabinets in our laundry room so the shelf will not accomodate standard laundry baskets which is kind of a bummer.
I kept one pedestal fairly minimalistic because it's going into a laundry room off an outside patio, I added a bit of quarter round trim all the way around the top edge to act as a guard rail just in case the washer or dryer tries to travel off the platform.
The other two I trimmed out identically they just have different post heights to fit the space they are intended for. I used a little more trim than on the first pedestal, I believe it's window sash trim. Just as on the first pedstal I wanted a guard rail of sorts so I left the window sash trim with about a 1/4" reveal on the three visible sides and used quartter round on the back.
I used a very heavy black rubber runner I found at Home Depot which is sold by the foot on top of each pedestal as an additional water barrier and vibration dampner. I think this finished it off and really works well, I'm very glad I decided to add that.
My version was inspired by Ryans modification of the original plan so thanks to Ryan and Ana for these awesome pedestals, my wife, In-laws and friend love them!

Wed, 06/29/2016 - 14:17
Glad I could help.
Glad I could help. Yours turned out great. I should have thought of creating more than one while I was doing it. Every time someone sees them, they ask me to make them one. Ain't nobody got time for THAT! :)
Sun, 01/29/2017 - 17:29
Great buils
Thanks for sharing the detailed information of your builds. It's been a while since you built, have you noticed any sagging? They look solid!