Cortona Buffet - Pottery Barn

Submitted by Nathan1342 on Wed, 09/11/2013 - 07:40

I really like all the furniture at Pottery Barn but hate paying the high prices. I saw their Cortona Buffet on day and decided it would make a great addition to my dining room. I started out by making a simple frame out of oak, put a bottom in it and built the sides. The drawers were inset drawers and i wanted 1/16 of an inch clearance on all sides so I made some simple drawer slides out of wood. You can kind of see them on the last picture. They worked great! Drawers fit perfectly and didn't have to spend extra on drawer slides. The top is 1inch thick oak that I distressed with a variety of tools to try and achieve the same weathered look as the real deal. The only thing I wasn't able to keep the same was the bottom trim. I went to ever custom molding and trim place in town and no one had anything like it. So I settled for a little less ornate piece but I think it came out well. The hardest part of the entire process was making the tiny trim pieces that fit on the door and on the sides. I had to make my own scratch stock and scratch them out of a piece of oak. If you've never had any experience with scratch stock (I didn't) Google it and try it out. You can make some pretty nice custom trim pieces by hand. All in all it was a nice build, now the wife just needs to decorate it!

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Rustoleum Dark Walnut, Minwax Poly
Recommended Skill Level



Wed, 09/11/2013 - 18:14

This is what I call WOW factor! It is a spectacular build! The way you did the drawers is intriguing. I've seen some wood slides in Rockler, did you build your in that style? The finish and craftsmanship are just awesome. Now I'm off to google 'scratch stock'. Thanks for sharing this wonderful build!

In reply to by JoanneS


Thu, 09/12/2013 - 08:13

Thanks you for the kind words! They are the same idea as the Rockler slides just not with a tapered slide. I built a simple wooden stop to keep the drawers from falling out since the slide wasn't tapered. I think if I had to do it again i'd taper the slides for a little better fit. Thanks again!


Sat, 09/14/2013 - 23:30

I don't mean to sound condescending or anything, but YOU MADE that? That looks like something that was bought not built. I hope that doesn't sound badly, it really is a compliment! It's amazing! I love it! Fantastic quality looking piece, excellent color!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

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