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I am 38 years old, have three children (16, 17, and 18) and have been married for 11 years. My husband has brain cancer so this is what I do now to help make ends meet. It all got started when a friend of mine needed a media console table and paid me to build it after I spent A LOT of time on I felt I had the skills to do this even though I'd never built anything before. It was such a great experience and the outcome was so great that I've since been contacted by several more people to build for them... and so my career in furniture building began.

My husband was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in Feb. 2009. Since then we lost our house we were building, two cars and a commercial vehicle that we had. We have literally started over with our life. He had brain surgery in Feb/09 to remove the massive tumor and even though the surgery went well, it left him disabled and unable to work.

We have learned to appreciate what we do have - each other - and work hard every day to make sure that we live the best life we can. We may not have much, but we have what we need and look forward to what life has in store for us!

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