I loved the look of the DIY Stocking Holder, and decided to use it as inspiration to design my own. I basically built a box using scrap 1x6.
The front and back boards were cut to a length of 22" (that was the length my scrap would allow), while the side pieces were cut to a height of 6 1/4" to allow for a 3/4" legs on ends. The bottom piece for the box was cut to a length of 20 1/2". I then sanded all pieces 150 and 220 grit sand paper.
Using 1 1/4" inch finishing nails and wood glue, I attached the 6 1/4" side pieces to the 20 1/2" bottom piece (allowing clearance on the bottom for the 3/4" legs), and then attached the 22" front and back boards. I then cut trim to fit the front of the box. Finally, to keep a rustic look, I applied one coat of a dark burgundy paint. I really wanted the grain of the pine to shine through. After allowing the paint to dry, I attached the hooks.
It turned out to be a quick, simple, and fun build. I can't wait to hang our stockings and fill the box with pine branches and other decorative christmas items.