I used a combination of the farmhouse table and the tryde coffee table (but on a larger scale). I don't have a Kreg drill or any of that and so I just screwed from the top side down. Since I knew the screws would show, I decided to take a platinum/shiny silver Sharpie to color over the screw heads to make them stand out.
The legs were a 2x4s glued and screwed together. Can't find any untreated 4x4 at the local Lowes or Home Depot, so this was my next best option.
I used a few coats of Rustoleum Dark Walnut and then Rustoleum Semi-Gloss poly.
I have since made a new bench with the same main design, but just to a small scale. Also, I did it opposite of the top. The table is 2x4 with 2x6 breadboard ends. The bench is 2x6 with 2x4 breadboard ends.

Daniel (not verified)
Wed, 10/17/2012 - 17:50
Where did you get the wood for the legs?
Sam111122 (not verified)
Mon, 10/22/2012 - 09:12
It is just regular whitewood
It is just regular whitewood 2x4s glued and screwed together. Then I just used wood filler to make it look llike a 4x4.