To contribute to an upcoming family wedding, the mother of the groom asked me if I could build the couple a guest book bench like the one we had at our wedding. We only had a few days to build, so instead of using the same Rustic Bench plan I chose Ana’s 5 Board Bench. I had some spare 1×3′s so I decided to add a shelf to the bottom for added stability. It turned out to be a really cute bench! The little details were fun to add. For the art on the top, i traced their last name and wedding date in Cecilia font onto printer paper straight from my computer screen since my printer is out of ink. I taped it in place on the bench, then traced over it with an empty mechanical pencil which indented the outline on the wood. I filled it in with a silver metallic Elmer’s Painters paint pen. The guests used a fine tipped paint pen to sign it at the reception. A bench is so much more fun than a plain old book! Now they have something to display and use in their new home together!