Full Open Kitchen cart

Submitted by 914934 on Thu, 01/21/2016 - 10:27

Mom wanted an island for her new large kitchen but something that could be moved out of the way. With all her cabinets and drawers, we omitted the shelves and drawer from the original plan. We also wanted it full across the inside, not just half way. This allows her to put her stool on the shelf out of the way if needed. However, after getting all her furniture into her new home, she decided that she had enough in her new kitchen so she scoots it under the breakfast bar for now. 
This was made on a tight budget. We only had to purchase the 2x4s and casters.
We also used tongue and grove blue pine left over from our house for the bottom shelf and staggered scrap pine 1x4 & 1x6 boards for the top and then routered it to give it smooth rounded edges on top. 

Estimated Time Investment
Afternoon Project (3-6 Hours)
Finish Used
Unfinished. Mom hasn't decided if she wants to paint it or not.
Recommended Skill Level