I built this based on the idea of the mimi storage bench and hutch. We will use this in our garage next to or shoe rack. I built this primarily from 1x6 cedar fence pickets, a few cedar 1x2's and a couple cedar 2x4's.
The lid lifts for off season shoe storage. All bench joinery is with pocket holes and the cedars pickets are attached with pneumatic 1 or 2-1/2" nails.
I used my speedy square's 45 degree angles to trace out the mountain silloutes and then cut them out with my jigsaw. I paced myself on the project and my four year old helped quite a bit with measuring and handing me the next board. We're excited to have a little spot to change shoes and grab the jackets. Feel free to check out my Instagram for other random projects or are family fun instagram.com/fotosnapper