Mini Farmhouse Side Table

We built this for our new grandson's nursery. The rest of his furniture is white and our daughter wanted to bring in some wood tones. We modified the table to be a little shorter than the plan so it wouldn't be too much taller than the arm of the glider in the nursery. I also added a 1x2 to act as a drawer stop.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
I applied a wood conditioner and let it set for about 15 minutes. I used a combination of Minwax Weathered Oak and Early American. I brushed on the Weathered Oak first then followed with the Early American. I let that set about 15 minutes then wiped off the excess. I finished it with two coats of Polycrylic.
Recommended Skill Level
