As a beginner at woodwork, this table was pretty easy to make. The instructions were easy to follow. I modified the table by adding 2x6 planks on the bottom and changing up the "X" design. The angles are tricky to get right, but i used scrap wood until i got the perfect angles then used my 2x2's for the final cuts. I also changed the finished dimensions of the table to fit in the room I was making it for, so this table was quite a bit wider than the original. It took me about a day and a half/two days to fully build and then I finished slowly over the rest of the week by staining and using a satin poly finish (I gave the top 4 coats so it took a little longer than normal). I'm so happy with the finished table I've already bought the wood to make another smaller one!

Ana White Admin
Mon, 10/19/2015 - 10:49
Love your mods! It's is absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing!
Audrey Wright
Thu, 10/22/2015 - 05:02
For a beginner, you'd done a great job. I'm a beginner too and I can hardly do this in two days..