Plans for this coop were fantastic. It was a lot of work, but really fun to build. As hard as I tried to keep the cost down, it cost probably close to $300 in materials, but it is well worth it compared to the quality of similar priced premade coops. I did not want the garden bed, so I enclosed the run fully with hardware cloth. I also added a 2" lip around the cutout in the floor so they wouldn't push all of the bedding down the hole.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Recommended Skill Level
Lady Goats
Wed, 09/07/2016 - 13:17
I just got your email and had to run over to check it out. Looks great!! That was a great idea to add the lip to the opening (am I weird for not using bedding in the coop? We just have the painted floor that we scoop out every day).
The red roof and the flower box are making me swoon <3