We had an open pantry that was an eye sore in our updated kitchen. Im 75 years old and I always liked to take on new projects so I thought about building a barn door from scratch. It was a bigger opening than one would think of as a pantry goes (at least I thought as much) . The opening measured 50 x 60 approximately so the door was made 56 x 65. Plenty of door to cover the eye sore. The door was built more or less on our garage floor and up on four saw horses! I had no idea if it was was going to be successful and the staining was yet to come (Gulp) As Ana said just do it. Well the build came out pretty good Squared and level. And I totally suprised myself staining the wood to the color we were looking for. Self help videos are very helpful so Id consider it before starting out. Everything was a process and I took my time. As with some things I have attempted in the past rushing sometimes ended with disastrous results. Oh boy, not to mention a waste of time, materials and money. What I hadnt bargined for with this project was the final weight to this barn door. IT WAS HEAVY. In any event I purchased the hardware for the railing and handles and pretty satisfied the way it came out. I had no plans to work from but settled on a build that I saw from several websites on barn doors.
Ana White Admin
Mon, 03/20/2023 - 10:21
Love the barn door!
Great finish choice and upgrade! Thanks for sharing.
Fri, 03/24/2023 - 12:11
stain color
Hi, what color stain is that? It looks great!