Project took a lot more time and patience than the last few little ones that I have done. I like the simple outdoor table but wanted a little bit more. I used the basic concept and mixed it with a patio table from PB that I really enjoyed but didnt want to pay $800 for. The table looks fantastic and am still debating on what type of finish, if any, to use. Hoping to make the matching bench soon for one of the sides of the table.
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Around $120 including the carriage bolts so I can take off the legs.
Estimated Time Investment
Weekend Project (10-20 Hours)
Finish Used
None as of yet, leaning towards Thompsons clear waterproofer
Recommended Skill Level
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 19:43
Your table looks beautiful!
Your table looks beautiful! Have you consider Teak Oil?