Perfect Home Office Desk - Inspired by IHeart Organizing

I had the idea for this project after seeing how Jen at IHeart Organizing made her desk out of two IKEA Expedit shelves. I fell in love with the desk - cubbies, organization, great space, etc. My husband is the one who made this for me, he is a carpenter by trade. He didn't use the IKEA bookshelves, instead made his own, which ended up saving a lot of money. Expedit shelves are $60/ea and we ended up only having to spend $60.00 on the project. I don't have build plans, but the lines are very straightforward, so I think most could fashion this desk themselves just by looking at the picture - that's what my husband did! I gave him the measurements from IKEA's website for the bookshelves and he loosely based his measurements on those. Here are some links to my blog with the posts updating on the progress:…………

Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Spray Lacquer
Recommended Skill Level