After looking at the price of kitchen sets I decided to make this one for my daughter last Christmas.
The Sink:
I made the sink and the stove identical. I then stole one of my wife's dish towels and stapled it in front of the shelves. I took an aluminum bowl for the sink and cut it out with a jigsaw, I then put clear caulk around the bowl. The faucet was from a hardware store, i found some pipes and put them together until they looked like a faucet. The knobs were from Michael's, I painted them black and put a nut/bolt so they could be turned.
The Stove:
In order to make the burners, i put painters tape on the top of it after it was painted. Then I used a bowl to trace and cut circles in the tape, i then peeled that tape and used black spraypaint on the circles. The burner knobs were also from Michael's.
This project took a while, maybe 2 weeks of working a couple hours every few days, but i was surprised and impressed with my work after I was done.