We had shortened our kitchen windows in our above garbage apartment remodel and had 1x2 framing wood left. I did not want to put this wood to waste, so I made two identical end tables in a similar style as the Ikea Besta Burs desk plan, but without drawers. These were the first two pieces of standing furniture that I built for our apartment and was technically free for me to build. The end tables are truly small, being only 8" wide, 2' long, and about 18" high, which is a great size to place beside our low modular sofas. The top is made of 1/2"x8"x4' plywood leftover from a floating shelving project (worth about $2.50). I cut the plank in half and glued the halves to make it thicker. These end tables are strong enough to function also as little benches for me and my daughter. :)

Pam the Goatherd
Thu, 02/28/2013 - 19:46
Those are adorable! Very
Those are adorable! Very creative use of scraps!
In reply to Those are adorable! Very by Pam the Goatherd
Fri, 03/01/2013 - 00:24
Just Worked Out
Thank you! I actually hadn't seen the Ikea Besta Burs plan until after I built them. It just worked out that the scraps were about the size I needed to build them in that design. I don't think I can take credit for creativity when it was more like serendipity. :)