I made this for my 2 year old daughter. She absolutely loves it! I'm glad I only made two levels, because she uses the top to play with her toys. The open bins make it easy for her to find what she wants to play with and she even likes to put things away. I had extra shiplap boards, so I used them for the back. The back is a bit higher than the top, which helps keep toys from falling behind the bins. I secured it to the wall with furniture straps screwed into wall studs. The only tricky part of building this was figuring out the angle cuts. I built this about 6 months ago and it has held up very well. It is a very sturdy design!
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
I think I used English Chestnut by Minwax for the stain. I also did several layers of Minwax high-build polyurethane clear semi-gloss. I lightly sanded with fine grit in between coats. I also wiped it with mineral spirits in between coats. It came out very smooth and has withstood several water and chocolate milk spills!
Recommended Skill Level