My First Project
My husband and I had a problem. We were tired of sleeping on a mattress on the floor, and most beds were out of the question because my husband is tall. 6'7" tall. Ana White's plan looked perfect, but I had never built anything before, unless you count an improvised 'clean the gutters from the ground" stick.
I knew I had to make something that could be taken apart because we are renters right now, so it will take a little bit of work, but after some modifications to the plans, it will come apart when it needs to. We are also not small big humans, so the bed is appropriately beefed up where it needed to be- to accommodate 2 big humans, 2 fairly large dogs, 150 lb latex foam mattress, and any future kids.
I also had to make changes to the King size plans because Ana's original plans have the mattress oriented sideways, which would be too short for us.
For extra storage space, a hangout for dust bunnies and dogs, and a just a plain tall bed for tall people, I made the foot-board posts taller, and attached the rails higher than the plans indicate. I also made a platform for our mattress to sit on out of 2x4's, 2x6's, and 3/4" plywood. This bed is STURDY.
To support the slats and mattress well, I hung a 2x6 with joist hangers in the middle of the bed frame (see picture below), and it stops the 2x4 slats and plywood from bending in the middle.
Poly coat to be applied... later. When we will be away for a couple days after applying it.