We have 3 kids and so I wanted them to each have their own place to cut down on arguments. I also chose to make this just a water table because of how close it is to the back door. I'd rather them not bring in a ton of sand each day. Because I wanted to be able to keep the lids on top when they weren't in use, we separated the bin areas so the lids can snap shut. We also made it a few inches taller to fit the stools underneath. It was a simple build, and didn't cost much more than a big box store small plastic sand and water table. Also I found those bins (same brand and size as in original plans) at Walmart with a white lid (which I preferred to the blue) for under $5 each.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
<$85 including toys, bucket, bins, building materials, and spray paint.
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Recommended Skill Level