Western Red Cedar Stool

I made this for my wife. It is a simply design but she loves it and I think it turned out very nicely. I had an 18" inch long western red cedar log laying around that I sat on sometimes and wondered how I could make it more comfortable to sit on, and this is what I came up with. I peeled the bark with a draw knife. and then marked out a 3" thick slab out of the middle lengthwise and carefully ripped it out using a chainsaw. I used the two end pieces as the base by turning the outer sides in while using the slab for the top. Out of a smaller log I cut the cross member about an 1 1/2" thick sized to fit between the legs. After lots of sanding I was able to get the marks from the chainsaw out and assembled the pieces using 5 1/2" x 1/4" hex head screws countersunk and holes plugged with 3/4" poplar dowels. After a final sanding I applied 3 coats of Spar-Urethane. The red parts of the cedar turn a rusty color quickly after sanding so a finish needs to be applied rather quickly. I hope you like it.

Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
Recommended Skill Level

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