I modified the block dimensions so the smallest blocks are cubic. I also only made four levels of blocks so that the blocks could be stacked into two levels with just eight cubes' worth of empty space. This simplifies storage, and works with the lid I made out of 1x4s to complement the tray that's in Ana's plans. The tray and the lid fasten together with window sash hardware.
I spent forever on this project because it was my first and I was trying to make it perfect. Watching my little one play with it, I now appreciate how soft pine is and how fast kids distress it!

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
I love the food dye colors, but three thick coats of beeswax and coconut oil (applied over several months) are NOT enough to make these colorfast. Luckily at eighteen months my little one is now more interested in building and less in tasting.
I experimented with woodburning on the lid, otherwise it and the tray just have beeswax and coconut oil on them.
I experimented with woodburning on the lid, otherwise it and the tray just have beeswax and coconut oil on them.
Recommended Skill Level