Beds. Beds are the must make project in every home because they are easy and forgiving to make, you don't have to add storage or make them food safe or wipe clean-able, they are easy to finish, look amazing, and you can save hundreds if not thousands on every bed you build.
Beds are the easiest furniture to make and you can save hundreds to thousands by making your own bed. What makes a bed so easy to build?
- It's just a headboard and platform (and maybe a footboard)
- The headboard doesn't have to be food safe or smooth like a tabletop
- Beds are very forgiving if you make a mistake or your wood isn't the best quality
- Beds don't require storage, shelves, or drawers (although you can add)
- Beds are easy to finish
- Beds make a huge impact in a room for little time and money investment
- Wood beds add tons of character to a room
- You can save hundreds if not thousands by building your own bed