Cedar Fence Picket Raised Garden Beds - 3' x 6'

diy cedar fence picket raised beds
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Build your own raised garden beds using cedar fence pickets!  Fence pickets are cheap and make a great raised bed.  Here's a great, step by step plan that optimizes materials and makes it easy to build.  This cedar bed is 6 feet long and 3 feet wide, perfect for two rows of plantings, all easily accessible.

Ten years ago, I made these exact cedar garden beds out of inexpensive cedar fence pickets for under $20 each.  They are holding up well!  You can also find the single width cedar garden bed plans here.

Reader submitted photo by Daisies and Crazies

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Cedar Fence Picket Raised Garden Beds - 3' x 6'

Cedar Raised Garden Bed Dimensions
Cedar Raised Garden Bed Dimensions


Shopping List
  • 6 - 5-1/2" wide cedar fence pickets (prefer not dogeared, but can use dogeared)
  • 6 feet of 2x4 board, cedar or can be treated lumber
  • 40 - 1-1/2" long self tapping exterior construction screws like these
Cut List

For installation on soft surfaces like soil, gravel or lawn (includes staking system)

  • 6 - Cedar 2x4 @ 12" - longest point measurement, one end cut at 30 degrees off square bevel (see step 1 for more information)
  • 4 - 5-1/2" wide cedar fence pickets @ 70" if dogeared, if NOT dogeared, no need to cut
  • 4 - 5-1/2" wide cedar fence pickets @ 35" if dogeared, in NOT dogeared, simply cut in half


For installation on hard surfaces like concrete, decks, or pavement or hard compacted gravel (no staking system)

  • 6 - Cedar 2x4 @ about 11" - measure the width of a cedar fence picket and multiply by two (see step 1 for more information)
  • 4 - 5-1/2" wide cedar fence pickets @ 70" if dogeared, if NOT dogeared, no need to cut
  • 4 - 5-1/2" wide cedar fence pickets @ 35" if dogeared, in NOT dogeared, simply cut in half
Tape Measure
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Circular Saw


Step 1

Cut boards according to the cut list with a compound miter saw (preferred) or a circular saw.

Attach long fence pickets to the 2x4s, all outside edges flush (with exception of staking end), with 1-1/2" screws, two screws per joint.

Build two identical.

Step 2

Attach shorter fence picket pieces to the project with two screws per joint, all edges flush on outside and to the top.

On installation, adjust project to make sure it is square by taking opposite diagonal measurements and making sure the measurements match.  Check cedar bed area for level.

Use a hammer to pound the stakes into the ground to secure the garden box.


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