Counter Height Farmhouse Table for Four

counter height farmhouse table
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DIY Farmhouse Style Table Counter height with seating for four - free plans by

counter height farm table
counter height farm table

We just finished up a fun little project for our community!  It's a ice skating warming hut nicknamed "The Skate Shack".  It's placed right next to the rink, so skaters can come inside, put their gear on, go skate, come back in and warm up, keep skating, and so on.  We are so excited about this addition to our community and grateful that we have this facility to use now.

This is a volunteer effort and there may not be maintenance or janitorial services provided by our local government, so we finished the interior of the skate shack with this in mind.  Nothing painted white that will need touch up, and lots of very durable consturction wood that can take a beating (or look "weathered" and more beautiful as it's used).  

The furnishings especially I wanted to be very durable, and designed to age well.  You know, like an old picnic table that just gets more beautiful each time it's used.

For the table seating, we built these counter height tables made of 4x4s and 2x4s.  The tops are 3/4" thick plywood.  

I love how they turned out, and the size is just right.  I could also see these counter height tables being used as a kitchen island or even a project table (especially with the smooth plywood top).  

Speaking of sizing, we made the tops 48" x 32" - so you can get three tabletops out of one sheet of plywood.  But of course, you can alter the size - just consider that 3/4" plywood max span is about 3 feet for shelving/furniture, so if you go bigger, you may need to throw some 2x4 supports between the aprons - but no biggie!

The free plans follow, please do share if you build, we love seeing your projects!

XO Ana

PS - You can watch our video series on build The Skate Shack here.

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Counter Height Farmhouse Table for Four

counter height farm table
Dimensions shown above, suitable for 24" or "counter height" stools


Shopping List
  • 2 - 4x4 @ 6 feet long
  • 3 - 2x4 @ 8 feet long
  • 2 - 1x2 @ 8 feet long
  • 1 - 3/4" plywood @ 48" x 32"
Common Materials
3 inch screws
1 1/4 inch finish nails
2 inch finish nails
120 grit sandpaper
Cut List
  • 4 - 4x4 @ 34-1/2"
  • 4 - 2x4 @ 25"
  • 2 - 2x4 @ 41"
  • 1 - 2x4 @ 43"
  • 1 - plywood panel @ 48" x 32"
  • 2 - 1x2 @ 48"
  • 2 - 1x2 @ 33-1/2" - cut these guys to fit
Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Circular Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander
Drill Bit Set
General Instructions


For long term durability and more professional results, I recommend using a pocket hole joinery system for wood joints.  Here is a video with tips for using a pocket hole jig:


Step 1

Drill two 1-1/2" pocket holes on each end of the 25" long 2x4s.

Attach to the 4x4 legs, inset 1".

I placed mine with a 6" clearance underneath the bottom 2x4.

Build two.

Step 2

Drill two 1-1/2" pocket holes on each end of the 41" long 2x4s.  Attach at top of leg sets, inset 1".

You can repeat for middle bottom 2x4 or use 3" self tapping screws instead of pocket holes.  Center bottom stretcher.

Step 3

Apply glue to top edge and nail plywood panel to legs and aprons with 2" nails.

Step 4

Apply glue to long edges of plywood and top 3/4" of 4x4 legs.  Nail on 48" 1x2s to plywood and 4x4 leg tops.

Step 5

Measure and cut the remaining 1x2 trim pieces for the ends of the table.  Attach with 1-1/4" brad nails and glue.


Beth knigge-Johns

Wed, 02/21/2018 - 06:24

Hi Ana, I am new to this but you have inspired me. I have built a few stools that are 30 inches high.  Could I use these plans but make the legs 39.5 and put the bottom stretcher across the front.I am wanting to make it about 24" wide. I am wanting to make kinda a desk type bar for 2. I need the stools to push completely under (they don't have backs) THANKS YOUR A ROCK STAR!

Sue Hill

Sat, 03/24/2018 - 08:13

I don't see any reason why the 39 inch height would be a problem. I'm in the process of making one that's 26 x 48  (36" height) and it seems very strong, so the 24" width would work fine.  I put the bottom stretcher in the middle but it could easily have gone just on one side. I wanted to be able to put stools on both sides if I pulled it out. I'm going to post my "brag build" when I'm finished, I'm sanding & painting the base this morning.

In reply to by firejake1033

Brian Famous

Fri, 09/07/2018 - 04:50

a standard dining table height is about 30”. This table is 35.5”, which means you need your legs to be 5.5” shorter than what is shown in theses plans.  These plans have 34.5” legs, minus 5.5” means you need to cut your legs to 29” if you want to reduce the height to standard dining table height.


Mon, 09/09/2019 - 06:30

Would you be able to easily explain how to close in one side and add cabinets or shelving? This looks perfect for my space, but definitely also needing additional storage.


Wed, 09/18/2019 - 18:07

Would I. Be able to use a different top and if so what would I use as I would like it to look more like a farmhouse table


Mon, 03/09/2020 - 09:33

I'm having a hard time reconciling the plan size to the tables in your YouTube video. The skate shack tables look smaller than 32x48. Am I crazy? :P

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