Modern Rustic X End Table - Free Plans

modern x end table plans
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Build your own end table with this free woodworking plan!

This end table features a square design with x detailing and a slatted bottom shelf.  It's sturdy and lightweight, and the perfect size for between sofas.

Related Plan: Modern X Console Table

Do You Need an End Table?

End tables are essential to a living room.  They not only add to the function by storing and providing a tabletop surface - but they define the structure of the living room and add beauty.  


Why I Built My Own Modern X End Tables

We needed end tables for our living room.  I love our Rustic X End Table plans, but the substantial overhangs of the tops would be a hazard for our 9 month old baby.  I spotted some similar living room tables in a catalog, without the overhangs - but the set would cost over $1600!  So I decided to DIY my own end tables.

We ended up building a console table with desk bridge (plans in the works) and a end table.  The two tables transformed our living room!  Not only does the space function much better, but it just looks so much better now!  And there's a good amount of storage now, both hidden and not.  We love love love it all!

The farmhouse end table is maybe my most favorite!

It's the perfect size, the perfect height, and the perfect mix of rustic and modern.  It's so sturdy - we find ourselves moving it all around the living room to use for playing cards or board games or serving food and drinks off of.  



More Plans in this Collection

We've added plans for the Modern Rustic X Console Table here!


modern x end table
Dimensions shown above


Shopping List
  • 4 - 2x2 @ 8 feet long
  • 1 - 1x3 @ 8 feet long
  • 1 - 3/4" plywood scrap or similar @ 17-3/4" x 17-3/4"
  • 1-1/4" brad nails or pocket hole screws - depends on how the bottom slat boards are attached, see plans below
Common Materials
Cut List
  • 4 - 2x2 @ 24" - legs
  • 8 - 2x2 @ 17-3/4"  - horizontal supports
  • 5 - 1x3 @ 17-3/4" - slats
  • 1 - 3/4" plywood @ 17-3/4" x 17-3/4" - top
  • Cut to fit the X pieces
Tape Measure
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Circular Saw
Miter Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander
General Instructions

You may wish to prefinish the boards before assembly as we did in the video tutorial.


Step 1

Drill one 1-1/2" pocket hole on each end of all of the 2x2s @ 17-3/4".  Attach to the legs with a single 2-1/2" pocket hole screw, hiding pocket holes on underside.

Step 2

Attach the remaining 2x2s together to form the frame.

Step 3

Drill two 3/4" pocket holes on each end of the 1x3s and attach with 1-1/4" pocket hole screws.

ALTERNATIVE: Nail 1x1 material to the inside of the 2x2s as a cleat and lay 1x3s on top and attach with 1-1/4" brad nails as done in the video tutorial.

Step 4

Cut and fit the plywood into the frame.

Drill 3/4" pocket holes, three per side, on all four sides of the top plywood.  Attach with 1-1/4" pocket hole screws to the 2x2 frame.

Step 5

Step 6

Scribe the smaller X pieces as you did in step 5.  Cut to fit, and attach with 2" nails and glue.



Mon, 02/11/2019 - 05:31

Do you ever put top coats on your furniture? I never hear you mention it in the videos so it seems like you just go with stained raw wood. My personal favorite has become Arm-R-Seal from General Finishes but I was curious about what you liked to use if you do at all.

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