I stumbled on this website some months ago after trying to find a cost effective way to get some furniture for our home. After looking over the post, pictures, and plans it inspired me and I feel like I could complete my entire home in durable cost effective furniture and have fun doing it.
We work from home and would like to convert our bedroom into a home office utilizing the space as wisely as possible.
This is what we have and need to accommodate...a king sized bed and two individual semi private work spaces lots of light, bookshelves and storage.
What I was thinking is doing a king loft creating extra support directly down the middle and putting plywood on both sides to create wall. Then building a desk area on both sides of that wall with custom storage and set up for optimal efficiency.
I have skimmed several plans on this site and others and the common thing between all of them especially with using a king loft is the ability to provide optimal support. Both the front of the bed and side and the entire length via the middle of the bed would have extra support.
Any suggestions on if this would be sufficient support or should there be other places with additional support? also any thoughts on height I am a bit confused on how to break down the height so that the top is comfortable enough for two adults to sit up in the bed atop but also enough for desk area at the bottom.
Tsu Dho Nimh
Sun, 02/10/2013 - 03:37
Height will be the problem
"I am a bit confused on how to break down the height so that the top is comfortable enough for two adults to sit up in the bed atop but also enough for desk area at the bottom. "
There is a reason you don't see many loft beds for adults :) If the office area is tall enough to use comfortably, you won't be able to get into the bed.
How big is your bedroom, and what kind of closet do you have? What is the rest of your house/apartment like?
Tue, 03/05/2013 - 11:13
Hiya, The bedroom is what I
The bedroom is what I would call average sized possibly 9ft x 13ft due to the way the closet and door is set up along with the window there is alot of lost space.
We live in a three bedroom house. There isn't any other place we could move the office area and no other place to move his bedroom.
The closet is a decent sized closet but we can't covert it to an office area because we need two independant ones.
I was thinking realistically if you are sitting in your desk area you are only about four feet tall from floor to top of your head sitting so if the top of the bed started at about 6feet then possibly the top portion would have enough room.
We've looked at several desk/bunk beds and they look comfy and roomy its just getting that doubled or trippled across the room.