Hi there. I just recently discovered this site and I've barely been able to tear myself away. In fact the last couple of nights I've had trouble falling asleep because I've been planning things in my head. I really want to build a bed for my daughter, but I haven't really built anything from scratch before so I've been looking for a few easier projects to get me started. I've tried to do as much research as I can before I start anything and the main issue I've run into is lumber. I'm having a difficult time locating somewhere that carries wood in the required dimensions, in particular 1x10s and 1x12s. I'm in Canada (Ontario more specifically) and we have Lowes and Home Depot in the area, as well as some Canadian chains but I'm surprised at how large their lumber section seems to be while still not having what I need. If anyone can offer any tips it would be much appreciated.
Fri, 10/18/2013 - 07:26
You may need to get plywood
You may need to get plywood and cut it to the width you want.
Fri, 10/18/2013 - 09:51
I have been able to find
I have been able to find lumber at Home Depot that was already cut to size. I know that the employees will cut some wood to size for you if you ask. I have also found lumber at a lumber yard-I looked in their wood clearance section and found much of what I needed at 50% off.
Wed, 10/23/2013 - 11:41
Local lumber yards
I've had the best luck by tracking down local lumber yards. They seem to offer better materials at better prices, with better service. It's not a new question, so I've written up my whole diatribe here: http://claydowling.com/articles/01302012-2029/buying-lumber