Quartz Tiny House - Free Tiny House Plans

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Free tiny house plans by ANA-WHITE.com

tiny house interior
kitchen open shelving
tiny house table
tiny house deck

We built a tiny house, and love it!  And want to share our experience and plans with you so you can build one too!


Our tiny house is built on a trailer 24' long and 8'6" wide (the exact trailer is a PJ Super Wide Channel B6).  Because of roof overhangs, the tiny house is slightly over width, requiring us to have a permit to transport in our state.  Regulations vary by state, so check locally before building.  


The purpose of our tiny house is to use while working on a remote cabin.  We built it in town, and then towed it across a frozen lake during the winter, as there are no roads to the remote cabin site.  It is not a primary home for us, so does not have many amenities as a primary home would.

We choose to keep our tiny house dry to reduce maintenance, as we have extreme cold in Alaska, and this is very common in our area.  We will be releasing additional plans that include full amenities should someone want to build this tiny house for full time living.

Tiny House Tour

Please take a second to watch this video, with a full tour of our tiny house.  I wanted to keep the interior open and uncluttered, with practical furnishings that are easy to convert for multiple uses.  We often have 6 or more adults (and as many or more children) inside without issue.

Tiny House Plans

We are very happy to be able to share our tiny house plans with you completely free.  We do ask that if you build, please share your experience, negative or positive, to help others in their building decisions.  And a photo or two is always appreciated!


Modified Floor Plans

Since so many of you have requested, I have created an additional floor plan with a bathroom included.  

I tried to keep the balanced look on the front side by dividing up the main window into three smaller windows.  This is also good for transport, as wider windows weaken walls laterally.

On the inside, the smaller windows are well placed for a sink, stove, and over a possible desk or table.  

This plans are now available for free download.  Enjoy.

I also have shared the sketchup model for the orginal Quartz Model tiny house, which includes all framing, that you can download and modify away.

You can click on the model above and orbit around.  Once you download the model, you will be able to view my model in layers, for example, front wall layer, or all wall layers.  Enjoy and do something awesome with it!

Tiny House How-To Video Series

We put together a series of videos on YouTube showing all of our steps in building this tiny house.  This is the playlist of all the videos, please watch before you build.

We are doing our best to answer questions, please help us out if there is something you can answer in comments, both on the videos and in the project plans.  

Interior Projects

We hope you love the interior of the tiny house as much as we do!

It is suprisingly big!

We've share all of the plans so you can build these projects too!

Source List

We don't have alot of shopping up here in Alaska, so pretty much everything you see is from Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe's, Target, Walmart, and Fred Meyer (a supercenter store in the Northwest/Alaska regions).

Thanks so much for being part of our tiny house video series!  Enjoy and pass the love on!

XO Ana

These plans have not been reviewed by a licensed engineer and/or architect. Ana-White.com or any affiliates do not represent or imply itself to be a licensed engineer and/or a licensed architect. Use at your own risk.  By using these plans, you agree to not hold publisher or any affiliates liable for any loss, injury or damage.  For personal use only.  Attribution - credit is required.

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Tiny House

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Tue, 08/02/2016 - 12:13


Have you uploaded the plans for the Quartz Tiny House that has the shower/composting toilet option on the floor plan? Please let me know! I am so excited to get started building this Tiny House!



Sat, 08/06/2016 - 17:11

Hey guys - great build on the Tiny House. I've searched high and low to try to find something relating to how much materials cost was for you.... are you sharing that info? Also, man-hours? Thanks much!


Sat, 08/27/2016 - 09:14

I may be too ambitious... BUT I really want to build your tiny house!! (Full emmenities version) what was your total cost for this build? Trailer included? At least a ball park approximation? Thanks Ana!


Fri, 09/09/2016 - 17:13

Was so excited to see your tiny house. I know you guys built it for practical reasons. It served a need you had. And then you decided to share it with the larger community, but I'm so glad you did.

 There is so much to celebrate about the tiny house movement. Its inventive and ingenious use of space being chief among them.  It seems that the homes I've seen most celebrated though clearly only work for an individual or a couple.

While these homes are beautiful, remarkable, and stylish, it seems more of a challenge to see what can be done to accommodate a family in small quarters.  I have spent a great deal of my adult life living in one bedroom apartments of around 352-400 square feet.  It may be a challenge to suddenly have only 160-200 square feet, but nothing akin to the challenge of 200 square feet and 3 additional people.


You have succeeded admirably, creating a space, where I dare say many would prefer to be. Comfortable sleeping quarters.  Comfortable Living Room.   Family dining.  Office and schoolwork space.  Inviting play space for the kiddos when the outdoors just isn't right (too cold/too rainy).  You've provoked my imagination and, I hope, the imagination of many others about what is possible for families living tiny.


Thank you.


Wed, 12/21/2016 - 09:12

I'm interested in possibly building the quartz tiny house. Could you give me an estimated cost or your cost for building this tiny house. Thanks.


Tue, 01/03/2017 - 14:42

I saw the episode on HGTV where you folks were building this and stopped what I was doing to watch because it was far and away one of the very best tiny house builds I've seen over the long haul of shows devoted to the subject now.


At some point during the show I realized it was you! Your website is one of my go-to's for furniture making inspiration and encouragement after decades away from the wood shop. The Alaska tiny house is a first class build by a top notch designer and builder. Just stellar work at every level! Serious kudos to you and your husband. One more time - wow!


Sun, 01/29/2017 - 21:01


Love the Tiny house plans.  Can you tell me where I can find the materials list for this tiny house build?

Thank you


Fri, 02/03/2017 - 15:29

You are amazing!! I have been following the tiny house movement for the past four years and your innovative and creative desings are some of the very best I have seen. I just recently stumbled onto your web site. Thank you!


Morgan Grant MD

Alpine, Utah 


Thu, 07/13/2017 - 01:34

Could this tiny house be built on a permanent foundation?  We are interested in building a tiny house for our daughter on our property but don't need it on a trailer.  


Thu, 12/28/2017 - 08:31


wht software are you using to map the architectural design for this tiny house and other projects? Also, what was the cost of the entire project? I am looking to become ambitious with this! 



Mon, 01/29/2018 - 14:30

Hi, This site is fabulous! I love the detail in the plans for the Quartz tiny house. Have you made similar plans for the tiny house with the bed that can be raised and lowered with the garage door opener? That layout seems perfect for the trailer we just bought to build our first mobile tiny. 

Sorry if the plans are on the site, I got excited wandering around and didn't notice them!

Thank you so much! Your creative ideas for simple but elegant solutions are amazing.



Fri, 02/23/2018 - 21:23

Really want to know what the approximate cost of building and furnishing this was! I want to build one and soon!


Sat, 06/08/2019 - 18:09


I notice you have a shopping list of wood for the interior build options. Do you have a list of materials for the main house build itself? I notice a cut list on some of house plan pages, but not an all inclusive shopping list.





Mon, 08/05/2019 - 09:24

This is amazing! The Youtube videos help so much as well!

My only question is if there is anyone else having trouble downloading/getting to the free plans?

When I click the link I am taken to a page that says not found, the resource could not be found.



Wed, 01/29/2020 - 05:54

Hi Ana, We are looking to build a tiny home similar to this one. We just bought a trailer that holds up to 7,000 pounds. We were wondering how much this one weighed? We also want to put the bathroom in it. If you could give me an idea of the weight that would be very helpful. We love seeing all your wonderful creations. It's very inspiring. Thank you, Gwen


Sat, 04/04/2020 - 08:13

Hi! Thank you so much for sharing your plans with us!
We are seriously thinking of using it to build our tiny house.
We found a used trailer, but it can only handle a weight of 7000 pounds. Would that be enough to support the house?
Do you know what the overall weight of your house is ?
Thank you!!


Wed, 08/18/2021 - 03:18

Hi there,

Nice work as always! Your plans made me wonder if I could build something alike over here in Belgium .

However , trailers here are restricted to 3500 kg MGW, which leaves approximately 2800 - 2900 kg to build the tiny house.

I wonder if you have an idea regarding the weight of your build?

It would be great to be able to build it in wood like you did, but I worry about the weight limitations on this side of the big pond.

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!


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