Hi Anna and everyone else that read this. My name is Scott. I got into woodworking to have something to do after I retire retire. No, that's not a typo. I retired the first time from the military, but right now I'm still working. For a couple more years. Anyway. The first photo was my workbench to build my workbench. The second photo is the all the cut wood. The third is the finished product. Mistakes were made, of course, but I learned from them. For example, the plywood is what I believe is termed 'exterior'. I figured, it was going to be hammered on, drilled on, painted on (you get my drift). What I didn't count on was splinters from the very rough surface. I sanded it. And sanded it. And sanded it. Now I just wear gloves, LOL. Since then I've also built a set of "Owens Night Stands" of yours. My wife loves them. Me - I see all the mistakes I made while building them. I'm hoping to learn from them also. BTW, Anna, that video you made for setting up drawers? Wish I'd seen it earlier, would have been a lot of help with those 2 stands, LOL. Last thing - I always remember everyone saying 'measure twice, cut once'. For me, until I get better at this, it's measure 3 times!

Ana White Admin
Wed, 12/29/2021 - 12:04
You did it!
Can't wait to see all the projects you build here, congratulations!