I made the barn wood frame for less than $30 (the plexiglass alone was $23!). It's better than the $80 they were going to charge me at the frame shop for the same style! I used an opaque black stain to both hide my not so accurate miter cuts and give it a modern feel. I'm very satisfied with the results!
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Time Investment
Afternoon Project (3-6 Hours)
Finish Used
Cabot solid color acrylic deck stain in black. This stuff takes forever to dry, but I prefer this to black paint.
Recommended Skill Level
Starter Project
Guest (not verified)
Sat, 02/18/2012 - 09:24
thanks for posting.
I need a large frame for a family photo. I cant spend the money right now. This has been very helpful. Great job