I wanted to build a desk for each of my 3 kids. We have an unused loft space in our home that I wanted to convert to a kid's homework area. Initially, I was going to build cabinets and create two walls of built in bookshelves and desk space. But decided I wanted free standing desks in a style that would last them into adulthood. (And possibly move with them into their own homes:) I really liked Pottery Barn's Printer's Keyhole Desk for the first desk but couldn't find a plan to build something like that. I ended up modifying the Turned Leg media console plan instead. It was a lot of work trying to figure out the correct changes to the plan. It totally made me appreciate how easy Ana's plans are to follow. I changed the depth to 24 inches and also changed the basic box from the plan into 3 boxes (left side drawers, middle drawer, right side drawer) then attached the boxes to each other then to the top. It was a heck of lot easier to say that in a couple of sentances then to actually do it. I also found it easier to put face frames on my drawers to hide my not perfect drawer boxes.
This project took me about a month to complete. I am a SAHM, and was not able to work on it every day.
The finish is Minwax Ebony oil based stain. I've had success using Annie Sloan waxes on other projects but was not happy with how the top looked after using it on the desk. Eventually I sanded the finish off and re-stained it 2x then topped it with 3 coats of Polycrylic. I left the rest of the desk with the original stain/Dark Wax finish.
I am too lazy to attempt sanding off the rest of the desk and restaining and sealing it. Kid #2 is already asking when I'm going to start on his desk (I'm thinking RH St. James style) and Kid #1 came home from school today and wanted to do his homework in the basement (where his desk is currently drying) so I think I should just say it's done and move on!
My experience comes just from reading this site and a few others. I've made AG doll furniture, picture frames, a console table, 2 benches, built-in bookshelves and a dollhouse bookcase. I used pocket hole joinery, glue and nails in this project. I don't have a table saw, so I made my long cuts with a circular saw fitted with a Kreg Rip Cut and occasionally a jig saw.
I would like to add some sort of hutch to it and am considering the Channing Hutch from this site. Thanks for reading!

Annie Sloane Dark Wax
Pam the Goatherd
Mon, 01/28/2013 - 20:07
You did a fantastic job on
You did a fantastic job on this!
Mon, 01/28/2013 - 21:28
Very pretty! What a
Very pretty! What a beautiful labor of love. You are super ambitious to do this x 3!
Tue, 02/05/2013 - 05:57
I've been looking for a desk
I've been looking for a desk plan to replace the antique desk my mom recently took back to her house and this just might be my saving grace! Where did you get the legs for this? Thanks in advance and what a great job you did!!! Looks awesome! :-)
Thu, 02/07/2013 - 14:58
Thank you tracy! The legs
Thank you tracy! The legs came from lowes. Nothing special, pine, 15" table legs.
In reply to Thank you tracy! The legs by cathygehrke
Sun, 02/24/2013 - 23:18
So you must have joined them
So you must have joined them to another piece of wood to make it tall enough... like a 2x2? I'll go over and check at lowes to see what they have. THanks for the input!!!!