I have wanted these shelves for a long time, I first saw them on a retailer's website but could never justify $400 for kids shelves. I absolutely love the bin on the bottom.
The plans for this project were very easy to follow. I don't own a table saw so I paid 25c per cut to have my local big box cut the MDF for me. I used 1/4" wainscoting for the back which was $20 for the sheet but I like how it finishes the back. My daughter's walls were lined with small bins of toys on the floor, I'm so glad to have her room cleaned up.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
White eggshell finish
Recommended Skill Level
Ana White
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 12:46
Wifey-this is cool!! Love
Wifey-this is cool!! Love the white finish with the pale wall color!