Jewelry Organizer

Submitted by CSaintD on Wed, 04/01/2015 - 10:20

I really didn't have a plan for this, but looked around on this site and on the internet and found something like what I wanted to do, so just made a simple frame out of scrap 1x2s.  I made a groove in the center of each 1x2 with my table saw before assembling.  I found this pretty punctured metal at Lowes and cut it to size, slid it into the grooves then attached the bottom of the frame and the little shelf.  I added a 3/4" bead and sausage trim piece around the whole thing to finish it off nicely.  The bracelet holder is a dowel rod that I painted purple and attached with eye hooks and cup hooks to the bottom of the little shelf.  Since it was hard to put earing studs in the center (with the backs on), I also cut another piece of the metal, filed down the edges and attached a llittle ring clip, that can hang from one of the cup hooks if needed.  I'm happy with how this came out and I hope my Daughter-in-Law will enjoy this birthday gift.

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
The metal was the most expensive part at $26 for a 2' x 4' sheet. You could do this with hardware cloth for a lot cheaper, but I wanted the look of the metal. The trim was $5 and cuphooks $3. The other pieces I had in my scrap pile and hardware drawer.
Estimated Time Investment
Day Project (6-9 Hours)
Finish Used
White gloss paint and purple craft paint. Spray lacquer on the dowel rod.
Recommended Skill Level



Wed, 04/01/2015 - 18:23

Yes, I was trying to imagine some way to do what you suggested, but just couldn't make it work. I didn't want to make a door - which would be the ideal solution. Also, fiddling around with the frame may make it unstable on the wall, so I just thought this would be easier. She can lift the whole thing off and add and remove studs at a comfortable height without worrying about removing necklaces, etc.

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