Over Bed Indoor Playhouse

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This compact indoor playhouse fits over a twin bed!  It's easy to build out of 2x4s.  Free plans from ANA-WHITE.com

Happy Fall friends!  

Are you excited about the boots, the pumpkin spice, the plaid, the scarves? 

Well, here's yet another reason to love fall - starting in October, Jaime Costiglio Blog and I team up to give you a new, free plan every Friday until Christmas!  It's called the Handbuilt Holiday series and we've been at it for several years now.

Here's just a few of the favorites from years past -


You can see these and all the Handbuilt Holiday plans here.

So what could possibly be better than wearing boots with a plaid scarf and sipping a pumpkin spice latte?

How about this Indoor Playhouse that you can build out of 2x4s?!?!

And wait, before you say "But we don't have room for an Indoor Playhouse ..."

This one is designed to fit right over a twin mattress.  No extra space required!

Are you dying to see more photos?  This indoor playhouse that fits over a twin bed was built by Jaime Costiglio Blog - hop over right now and see all the photos.

Then come back here and grab the free plans below.  

The only hard part is going to be trying to keep it a secret until Christmas morning.  I can't help you with that.  Especially if you post photos - there's a good chance I'd have to share too.  

ANYWAYS  ... the photos and build post are over at Jaime's, the plans are below, enjoy!

XO Ana




Indoor Playhouse Plans

Dimensions shown in diagram. Fits over twin mattress 39" wide.


Shopping List

16 - 2x4 @ 8 feet long

1 -½ sheets ¼” plywood

½ sheet ¾” plywood

2-½” pocket hole screws

2-½” or 2-¾” self tapping wood screws

¾” brad nails or crown staples


Cut List

2 - 2x4 @ 30-½” - both ends cut parallel at 45 degrees, long point to short point measurement

2 - 2x4 @ 33-½” - both ends cut parallel at 45 degrees, long point to short point measurement

4 - 2x4 @ 71-½” - LEGS - one end cut at 45 degrees, long point measurement

3 - 2x4 @ 36”

2 - 2x4 @ 61” - ladder

3 - 2x4 @ 22” - ladder rungs

4 - 2x4 @ 10-½” - deck railing

1 - ¼” plywood at 39” x 29”

2 - 2x4 @ 85-½” - one end cut at 15 degree angle, long point measurement

5 - 2x4 @ 39”

1 - ¼” plywood @ 39” x 20”

2 - 2x4 @ 72-½”

1 - ¼” plywood @ 39” x 30-½”

2- 2x4 @ 42”- roof

2 - 2x4 @ 26-¾” - roof

1 - ¼” plywood @ 42” x 26-¾” - roof

3 - 2x4 @ 42” - floor joist

1 - ¾” plywood approximately 45”x 42” - floor


Tape Measure
Speed Square
Safety Glasses
Hearing Protection
Kreg Jig
Circular Saw
Miter Saw
Brad Nailer
Power Sander
Drill Bit Set
General Instructions

Jaime made a few upgrades to this indoor playhouse plan.  Make sure you hop over and read her build post before beginning.


Step 1

Build two of the gable frames.

Cut all of the 2x4s using a compound miter saw.

Mark pocket holes and drill two per end, with Kreg Jig set on 1-½” setting.  Join with 2-½” pocket hole screws.


NOTE: Consider how the bed tower will be placed in the room, and place pocket holes on insides or back sides so you won’t see them.


Step 2



On one of the gable frames, attach ladder pieces.


This completes the ladder gable frame.  Set aside.


Step 3

Back Gable


Add an additional 2x4 at top of back gable wall with pocket holes.


Step 4

Attach ¼” plywood to the back gable.


This completes the back gable wall - set aside.


Step 5

Step 6

Eave Wall


Build last remaining wall as shown.


Step 7


Build roof with screws or pocket hole screws.  Attach ¼” plywood to top.


Step 8

Finish all walls and roof prior to assembly.

Move pieces into room.

Screw four walls together, joining legs.


Step 9

Floor Joist

Attach floor joist to walls with pocket hole screws.


Step 10


Measure and cut floor from ¾” plywood to fit.  Jigsaw out corners. Cut about 1/4” smaller so it is easy to fit the floor inside the playhouse.  Screw down plywood with wood screws at least 2” long.


Step 11

Roof Assembly

Place roof on top of shed dormer wall legs.

Screw roof 2x4s to the gables.

Also attach with a pocket hole or angled screw from shed dormer wall legs.




Sat, 12/01/2018 - 06:46

I didn’t see the shingles that are shown in the post pictures mentioned in the plans anywhere. Could you tell me how they’re made or what kind they are please?

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