I had this wine refridgerator that my wife gave to me years ago for a birthday and it really needed a home since it's been sitting in the corner of our dining room for several years. After seeing some of the adaptations of the Printer Cabinet, I decided to try to modify if for my use. I put pencil to paper and came up with a two sided design that would hold the refridgerator and all of our wine/bar glasses as well as some liquor. It came out much better than I expected since this was my first real go at making any kind of cabinetry. Measure twice, cut once really works. I am eager to start my next project. Thanks for the inspiration!
Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
$450 (300 was for the piece of Granite I purchased for the top)
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Minwax - Sedona Red stain, Poly
Recommended Skill Level