Dog Crate with a twist...

Submitted by AlexO on Mon, 05/08/2017 - 19:08

I really liked the Large Wooden Dog crate but wanted the sides to be lower and wanted to make sure there was no easy chew escape.  Not sure if you can see from the photo but the cats have taken over... Will need to make a larger one for the dog!

I followed the plan pretty much other than lowering the panel on the side and replacing the wooden bars with rebar.  The rebar was a bit of a learning curve getting the holes lined up perfectly but I figured it out and I think it came out pretty good!

Used all pine 1x3 and 1x2s.  Picked up a pine panel for the top and the bottom is a 3/4 plywood. Made our own chalk paint for the finish and sealed it with wax.

Oh, forgot, added tongue and groove pine for the back and finished it and the top with Antiguing wax.

Lots of fun and I think I will make a double one next!

Built from Plan(s)
Estimated Cost
Around $100 if you don't count all the practice pieces for the rebar!
Estimated Time Investment
Week Long Project (20 Hours or More)
Finish Used
Chalk paint and antiquing wax
Recommended Skill Level