Our first building project and couldn't be happier with the outcome!
My husband and I were in the market for a new bed frame, but nothing in the shops were what we were looking for. We discussed making it. I came across these plans (http://ana-white.com/2012/01/plans/hailey-platform-bed) and off we went! The headboard was something we "designed" on our own (we did not work off any plans). We wanted something simple and functional.
We started from scratch .... had to buy tools, wood conditioner, stain, etc. But unbelievably thrilled with the outcome (and cost)
It is a very sturdy and heavy bed, something that is great for use, but may cause some issues when we move .... ;)
I did not include the time needed to dry, only the time it took to get items/measure/cut/build/assemble.
*conditioned, stained, top coat (glossy), once over with sandpaper (220 very fine with handheld sanding block), second application of top coat